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Overall, solid foundations, lacking a little attention to detail.

The game art is attractive, but within the game I find it annoying that the pixelated graphics are in different sizes. Ideally to look aesthetically pleasing, all sprites should be the same pixel size.

I found the game quite difficult at the beginning, I was confused with so many elements on the screen. If you go little by little introducing enemies and elements it becomes more bearable.

I think that at least with these two points it could improve a lot.


(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you for the helpful feedback about the gameplay. We will definitely tweak that some more so it's more cohesive and enjoyable!

As far as the pixel density, the retro aesthetic is simply a design choice, but since we aren't limited to size and scale since this is on PC, we're enjoying the freedom of freeform-scaling sprites more akin to a 2D title you would see on something like a platformer on the PS1 or Sega Saturn (or PSP/DS for that matter). It may not be pleasing to look at for pixel purists that see it as visual discrepancies for games the are retro painted for the sake of having retro aesthetics, but we're likely going to keep the visuals the same with this particular project.

However, we have made two other games other games for legacy consoles that are true to their pixel densities due to the real hardware limitations that constrain those visuals to specific resolutions. I recommend checking those out if you are looking for what pixel-perfect games we make :)  Both titles have playable demos that you can download and play right now and bask in the pixel-perfectness of those titles (・ω<)

Thanks for the feedback!


Love the creativity SaruPro! Keep it up! Will definitely be buying the final release!


Thank you Korokun! We will be updating this demo again soon :)
Thanks for trying it out and be sure to check back here later!

(1 edit) (+2)

Played the demo through to the end. Encountered a problem when the first boss appears... the screen moves and I disappear off the left side and can't move fast enough to reappear, but I can continue to follow and shoot from off screen. You could fix this by not triggering the boss to appear until the player has walked over to the far right of the screen. The second boss was much more fun with the moving tables to stand on, but I did find you couldn't avoid being hit during some of the boss movements across the screen. Fix the boss issues and add a bit more enemy variety in the levels and you've got the start of a good little game demo. Nice work!


This is valuable feedback! Thanks so much. I will relay the message.